Open All Year 620-544-4080
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All of our sites have either partial or all day shade.
We are conveniently located across the street from a City park.
Water, Sewer & Electricity
30 AMP 50AMP
DAILY $30.00 $35.00
WEEKLY $140.00 $155.00
MONTHLY $425.00 $465.00
2.Tenants are responsible for the conduct of rules by all members of their party.
3.Plastic bags must be use for trash. Seal and place in trash cans.
4.Please use dump station for all portables potties.
5.We welcome all family member, including pets, but pets must be kept on leash.
6.Quiet hours: 10:00 P.M through 7:00 A.M.
7.No acts shall be commited which place the owner in violation of any law of County or State.
8.We reserve the right to refuse or discontinue services to anyone at anytime!
9.Animal clean up is your responsibility!
10. Check in time is 12:00pm, check out time is 11:00am
Do not pay more, the rate we advertise is the rate you'll pay and on top of that we have shade.
Click on the map for Directions